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Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, Japan

Japan's Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear station has escaped major damage from the earthquake that hit it on 16 July 2007. A follow-up fact-finding mission by IAEA...

Karita PFBC Power Plant, Japan

The world's largest PFBC (Pressurised Fluidised Bed Combustion) began commercial operations in July 2001. The 360MW plant at Karita, Japan, was commissioned in 2000,...

Kaohsiung Solar Power Plant, Taiwan

In December 2009, Asia's biggest high-concentration photovoltaic (HCPV) solar power plant was unveiled. The new plant, located in Lujhu Township of Kaohsiung County, Taiwan,...

Kaiga Generating Station, India

The Kaiga Generating Station (KGS) is a nuclear power plant located in the Karwar District of Karnataka state in India. Already operating three units,...

Jurong Island CCGT Plant, Singapore

The 500MW combined-cycle plant on Jurong Island supplies power to the Singaporean network. The $525m plant is located in the Tembusu sector of Jurong...

Hsinta Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Thought to be valued at more than $1bn, the Hsinta natural gas-fired combined-cycle project is Taipower's largest gas-fired investment to date. The 2,410MW combined-cycle...

Hong Kong Offshore Wind Farm, Hong Kong

The concept of building Hong Kong's first offshore wind farm was formulated in May 2005, following the release of the first sustainable development strategy...

Higashi Niigata, Japan

An anti-fouling system has been added to the 1,610MW CCGT plant at Higashi Niigata, Japan. This plant, which increased the station's total capacity to...

Hibikinada, Japan

A 15MW wind farm on the coast of Hibikinada, Japan, came on stream in March 2003. The wind farm supplies power to Kyushu Electric...

Ghazlan II Power Plant, Saudi Arabia

To meet increasing demand in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Consolidated Electricity Company – Eastern region (Sceco-East) has built a 2,400MW power plant. The project is...