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Renewable energy in the time of COVID-19

Renewable energy in the time of COVID-19

Decisions being taken now to address the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis come amid profound uncertainty about both the course of the pandemic and its long-term ramifications...


COVID-19: How to avoid supply chain bottlenecks in the wind turbine market

With operational wind turbines now a critical part of the global energy infrastructure, establishing an immediate approach to reduce the escalating parts, supply chain...

Solar PV module prices in China to increase by 12.5% due to Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic has had widespread ramifications on the economy, significantly impacting the solar industry in China.

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Covid-19 outbreak to have a high impact on fossil fuel sector

Covid-19 outbreak to have a high impact on fossil fuel sector

The coronavirus was first identified in China's Hubei province in December 2019 and has since become a global health threat, impacting 150 countries and triggering the WHO to declare it a global pandemic.


Phuong Wind Power JSC selects GE Renewable Energy for its first wind project in Vietnam

GE has signed a contract with Phuong Mai Wind Power JSC, a Special Purpose Vehicle entity jointly invested by Truong Thanh Development ...

ABB wins $100 million framework contract to strengthen South America's power grid

ABB's Power Grids business has signed a five-year framework contract estimated to be worth around $100 million with South America's largest utilities...


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