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World Hydrogen North America
Industry Insights

New Model Shows Hydrogen, Solar Battery For Household Power

Researchers says that people may be able to lower their average price of energy by way of pairing PV power generation with fuel cells and battery storage.

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Hydrogen Fuel Cells As A Solution To Our Clean Energy Needs

The sustainability of hydrogen fuel cells as an eco-friendly alternative depends on the fuel type used, with green hydrogen being the most sustainable option.

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More Clean Green Hydrogen With Earth-Abundant Catalysts

Process of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, necessary for the generation of sustainable energy, may be done more effectively thanks to a new catalyst.

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Electrolysis Device Pulls Clean Hydrogen Fuel From Seawater

A novel electrolysis device has the potential to revolutionize the production of hydrogen fuel from saltwater by overcoming obstacles that hindered the process.

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Green Hydrogen: A Climate Fix Or A Trap To Use Fossil Fuels?

Nowadays, almost all hydrogen is produced either by gasifying coal with natural gas which is a process known as steam methane reformation or by burning coal.

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Alberta In Canada Pins Its Hopes On A Hydrogen Economy

In order to advance its hydrogen economy, create jobs and at the same time also lower emissions, Alberta province in Canada happens to be investing millions.

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Hydrogen Demonstration Facility Gets Unveiled In Texas, US

The project is an aspect of the US Department of Energy- DoE initiative, which is intended to serve as a template for future large-scale hydrogen development.

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World Hydrogen North America

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