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Industry Insights

EU Outlines Initiatives For Greater Wind Power Deployment

The guidelines and suggestions on renewable auction design, permitting, and the selection of renewables acceleration areas are included in the new initiatives.

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Europe Policymakers On Edge On Declining Solar Capture Rates

Power costs typically drop in a manner resembling a duck-belly to accommodate that excess power load, only to rise again later as solar output starts declining.

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US To Reimpose Duties On Imports of Inexpensive Solar Panels

The US administration has been urged to consider raising tariffs on Chinese solar imports due to the threat they go on to pose to American solar manufacturing.

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Innovative Sulphur-Based Cathodes: Battery Tech Breakthrough

This development goes on to make sulphur electrodes a better option than metal-based cathodes and potentially affect how energy is stored as well as used.

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GIGA Green Turtle Project Gets Nod For Belgium Facility

GIGA Green Turtle will add to electrical grid and goes on to have a capacity to store energy which is comparable to that utilized by 330,000 families per year.

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