Eco Wave Power (EWP) has installed and tested a medium scale wave energy power plant in the Black Sea.
EWP selected the Black Sea as it provides real-life conditions to test the wave energy devices under different uncontrolled wave heights and periods.
The company also tested its floaters the Wave Clapper and the Power Wing, in stormy conditions of the sea at a wave height of up to 5m and found the floaters undamaged.
It also measured the output of the floaters in Kilo Watt under different wave heights and periods. The two medium sized wave energy devices can fulfill the electricity needs of up to 10 households.
Kiev Institute officials said, “All floaters of Eco Wave Power Company have proved their workability… According to the results of the tests, we have reached a decision to recommend enlarging the model to greater sizes.”
According to Eco Wave Power founder David Leb the company will execute a fully operational system, and will be able to produce 5KW from each floater, during the first quarter of 2012.
EWP will next move the wave energy plant to different coastal structures to show that the system can be connected to almost any ocean structure following which it will build its first commercial scale Sea Wave Power Plant.