First Gen gets approval to develop 120-MW pumped hydro facility in Philippines

Cube Hydro

First Gen Corp. has secured authority from the government to develop a 120-MW pumped storage hydropower facility in the northern Philippine province of Nueva Ecija, the ABS-CBN News website is reporting.

First Gen’s website does not have an official press release but does link directly to this story. First Gen is a member of the Lopez Group, which also includes ABS-CBN Corp.

First Gen secured a hydropower service contract from the country’s Department of Energy. Its unit, FG Hydro, has five years for pre-development activities in Aya, Pantabangan.

FG Hydro will use an existing reservoir in Aya to store the water. It is not clear whether a new lower reservoir will be built or where specifically the powerhouse will be located.

First Gen said it signed a memorandum of agreement with the National Irrigation Administration in October 2019 for a feasibility study on the project.