“Every day we strive to tell policymakers and the public hydropower’s story: that it is a sustainable resource that brings benefits to local ecosystems and communities. What better way to do that than by recognizing the companies and organizations that write that story every day?” said NHA Executive Director Linda Church Ciocci.
It is the protection and development of those benefits that the National Hydropower Association (NHA) endeavors to recognize with its annual Outstanding Stewards of America’s Waters Awards.  The application for the 2012 awards was released today.
The awards recognize up to three companies or organizations in one of three categories: Operational Excellence; Public Education; and Recreational, Environmental & Historical Enhancement. NHA first began awarding organizations and projects for excellence in hydropower development and operations in 1994 with the Hydro Achievement Awards.  Five years later, it started annually producing the Outstanding Stewardship of America’s Rivers (OSAR) Report, which profiled examples of hydropower’s ability to generate renewable energy and protect river ecosystems.  In 2007, the programs were merged into the OSAW Awards as they are known today. Application forms can be found on NHA’s website at www.hydro.org. All applications are due December 1, 2011.