SINN Power develops floating ocean hybrid platform

SINN Power develops floating ocean hybrid platform

SINN Power has developed a floating ocean hybrid platform it says can be used “as a complete off-grid energy solution,” generating renewable energy from waves, wind and the sun.

Bavarian manufacturer, SINN Power, says that beginning this summer, it will offer solar panel manufacturers the opportunity to demonstrate and test their PV modules on this platform in Iraklio, Greece.

Intensive long-term tests of the structure show that it withstands waves up to 6 meters high. “Modularity has been a key aspect since we started developing maritime technologies which allow flexibility and a wide variety of applications,” said Dr-Ing. Philipp Sinn, chief executive officer of SINN Power. “The floating platform can supply renewable energy to island resorts in the Caribbean and contribute to the worldwide implementation of offshore wind farms. SINN Power is the first to offer a customizable energy solution using waves, small wind and PV according to climatic conditions of any location and at competitive prices compared to other proven technologies.”

SINN Power won the Global Ideas Award at the 2019 Cleantech Open Global Forum for its wave energy converter.

SINN Power has been developing and building wave energy systems since 2015 and now sells self-developed generators, power electronic components and energy storage for wave energy systems and other renewable energy systems.