How To Design The Right Marine Bulkhead Wall

How To Design The Right Marine Bulkhead Wall

We all enjoy seeing a nice shoreline and reveling in the beauty of the sea, but only some of us think about the proper structures that are necessary to keep the beaches protected from actual wave action. Of course, if you’re not part of an industry that needs to think about such things, this will probably never cross your mind. Since you’re here, though, I think it is quite safe to say that you do need to think about the protection I am referring to.

Bulkhead walls are designed and used for locations with limited wave action, but that does not mean that they are less important than some other types of designs that are made for stronger wave action. They have their own purpose and most places wouldn’t be properly protected without them. I am sure you understand the importance of these structures already, so let us not dwell on that.

While you might have the perfect understanding of the significance of these structures, that does not immediately mean that you know how they should be designed and created. It takes a great skill set to know that and to be able to do it. So, if you don’t possess the right skill set, it would be best for you to leave things to the professionals and let them handle the important work.

This, of course, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t learn about any of this. In fact, your willingness to learn is a great sign, and I have nothing against you taking the time to figure out precisely how to design the right marine bulkhead wall. What’s more, I’ll help you with the learning process by sharing some tips below. Some of those will, of course, be connected to working with those pros, but I am guessing that you understand the importance of that and you have nothing against it.

If you’re just now getting started with the learning process, here’s some more basic info about bulkheads:

How To Design The Right Marine Bulkhead Wall

Think Carefully About The Materials

One of the first things you need to understand here is that not every type of material will be strong enough to protect the beaches from wave action. Once again, though, this depends on the severity of the mentioned wave action, but it is always much better to play it safe and go for some more durable materials. I know that those may be a bit more on the expensive side, but I am sure you know that the price will very well be worth it.

Concrete, stone, steel and timber walls are the go-to options. What you have to do is carefully think about the specific place that you are trying to protect and that wave activity there, as that will help you choose the best materials. Keep in mind that the concrete and stone ones can be designed as gravity walls, while some can be piled and anchored walls. That’s another thing to consider when choosing materials.

Figure Out The Length & The Height Necessary

Of course, when trying to design the perfect bulkhead wall, you will undeniably have to think about the actual length and the height necessary. Among other things, this will influence the budget that you’ll need to set aside. Yet, you should never make the decision regarding these factors based on the budget that you have, because that could lead to you failing to provide the best protection. These factors should never be taken for granted, as they could make or break the entire design and influence the success of the whole project.

Find A Company To Help You In The Process

As I’ve hinted at above, the best thing to do when trying to create the perfect bulkhead wall is find a company that will be able to help you not only design, but also build everything the right way. There are, fortunately, a lot of companies working in this industry, meaning that you won’t really have too much trouble finding those. Just take the time you need to search for these firms online, or talk to the people you know and check if they have some suggestions to share. In any case, your main task here is to find and hire a company to do this for you perfectly.

But Make Sure To Hire The Right One

If your plan is to simply hire any of these companies without thinking things through, then I have to warn you against doing something like that. In short, you definitely need to hire the right company for this job, and that will require you to research several different options before making your final decision. Take your time to compare various firms, the offer they can give you and the quality of their work and then decide based on all those factors combined.