Take part in the free webinar Hydropower Central Asia and Caspian: Development of HPP Construction and Modernisation Projects

Take part in the free webinar Hydropower Central Asia and Caspian: Development of HPP Construction and Modernisation Projects

In the run-up to the 5th International Congress and Exhibition “Hydropower Central Asia and Caspian 2021” Vostock Capital holds free webinar Hydropower Central Asia and Caspian: Development of HPP Construction and Modernisation Projects.

16 September 2020, 13:00 MSK

The states belonging to the Central Asia and Caspian region have installed hydropower capacity exceeding 75 GW with most of this potential still untapped. The share of unharnessed hydropower potential of Tajikistan is over 91%, Kyrgyzstan – 90%, Uzbekistan – over 76%, Georgia – 75%. Moreover, the majority of existing hydropower assets in the region were brought online in the Soviet era thus now they require retrofit and modernisation. Further development of hydroelectric potential, construction of new hydropower plants and modernisation of existing ones is one of the prioritised routes of these countries. Solving these challenges will enable energy and economic security of the countries belonging to the Central and Caspian Asia.

Get more information about hydropower potential of the Central Asia and Caspian region, about HPP construction and modernisation projects in the region.

In the course of the webinar you will learn about:

  • Forecasts and roadmap on hydropower development in the Central Asia and Caspian region before 2030;
  • Status of hydropower construction and modernisation projects in the region, as well as projects planned to be developed before 2030;
  • The most demanded innovations and breakthrough technologies for construction and modernisation of hydropower plants to help boost hydropower industry of the Central Asia and Caspian region.