Georgia Power completes concrete work at Vogtle unit 3 nuclear expansion site

US-based Georgia Power, a subsidiary of electric utility Southern Company, has completed basemat structural concrete work at the Vogtle unit 3 nuclear expansion site, to build the first new nuclear units in the country, in 30 years.

Georgia Power is building two new nuclear energy facilities at Plant Vogtle unit 3 and unit 4, near Waynesboro in the state of Georgia.

The units are expected to produce 1,100MW of electricity, which will be sufficient to power 500,000 homes and businesses in the state.

Georgia Power Nuclear Development executive vice president Buzz Miller said, “This was a team effort that included Georgia Power, Southern Nuclear, CB&I, Westinghouse Electric Company and our co-owners – Oglethorpe Power Corporation, the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and Dalton Utilities.”

The full outlines of both nuclear islands at Vogtle have been completed to grade level and the first components for erecting the Unit 3 containment vessel are completed and staged for installation.

The basemat concrete placement was completed in about 41 hours, following all the safety precautions.

The placement at Vogtle Unit 3 covers around 7,000 cubic yards of concrete, which will serve as the foundation for all of the nuclear island structures.

Southern Nuclear, a subsidiary of Southern Company, is supervising the construction of the facilities and will operate the two new AP1000 units for Georgia Power and its co-owners Oglethorpe Power, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and Dalton Utilities.

Georgia Power owns 45.7% interest in the new units.