Digital Oilfield Innovation Summit

On February 26 & 27, leading executives operating in the oil & gas industry will gather in Houston for the Digital Oilfield Innovation Summit and we would like to extend to you and exclusive 20% discount to join us.

As you know, the oil & gas industry is in an uncertain place, reliant on utilizing the most innovative technologies to advance. Industry executives must come together to discuss the major developments, opportunities & challenges in the field.

With this in mind, we just wanted to introduce you to the Digital Oilfield Innovation Summit taking place in Houston on February 26 & 27.


Keynote speakers for the 2015 agenda include:

– Chief Data Scientist, Halliburton
– Vice President, Technology, Baker Hughes
– Enterprise Architect & Advisor, DOF, BHP Billiton
– Architect, Upstream Integrated Operations, Southwestern Energy
– Senior Digital Oilfield Advisor, Baker Hughes
– Vice President, Americas, Sekal

For a taste of what you can expect, check out this presentation from Gustavo Nunez, Production Business Manager at Schlumberger, on ‘Digital Oilfield and Asset Optimization ’.

This summit will focus on global operations optimization, enhancing exploration & production, improving refining & manufacturing efficiency, real-time tactile decision making, & much more.

Early Bird rates are available for a limited time only and through our partnership with Innovation Enterprise you can save an extra 20% with DIGIOIL20 on any two-day pass. If you are interested in attending, or would like some more information, please reach out to Andrew Taylor at (+1 415 670 9102). Alternatively, you can confirm your place here .

We look forward to seeing you there!