Home Projects Page 13


Andasol Solar Power Station, Spain

The Andasol solar power station, located in Andalusia, southern Spain, is Europe's first parabolic trough solar power plant. The site of the facility is...

Alpha Ventus Wind Park, Germany

Alpha Ventus Wind Park is Germany's first offshore wind farm. The facility is located 45km north of Borkum island in the North Sea. It...

Aliaga Cakmaktepe Power Plant, Turkey

Aliaga Cakmaktepe is the world's largest gas-fired power plant based on combustion engines. It is located in the Aliaga Industrial Area near Izmir in...

Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, Turkey, Turkey

The Turkish Akkuyu nuclear power plant (NPP) project looks to be on again. Delayed in 1999 and cancelled in 2000, the project was originally...

AK-1000 Tidal Turbine Project, Scotland, United Kingdom

Atlantis Resource Corporation redeployed the AK-1000 tidal turbine at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney, Scotland, in August 2011. The turbine will...

AES 1,200MW CCGT, Cartagena, Spain

AES has opened a 1,200MW combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant at Cartagena on Spain's southeastern coast. The $920m turnkey project is the largest non-recourse...

Enel Green Power secures concession for construction of wind farm in Chile

Enel Green Power, through its subsidiary Enel Chile, has taken part in the tender to attain concession of public lands for the construction of...

Pha Lai Coal-Fired Power Plant, Vietnam

The largest coal-fired plant in Vietnam has been constructed by Electricité de Vietnam (EVN). The 600MW plant is located roughly 65km north-east of Hanoi...

North Luzon Wind Power Project, Philippines

A 42MW, $400 million wind farm is being built in North Luzon, the Philippines. It is the first in a series of three projects...

Nathpa Jhakri, India

Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (formerly Nathpa Jhakri Power Corporation Ltd) has run up all six 250MW units of the Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Power project....