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Golden Spread Panhandle Wind Ranch®

SIZE: 78.2  MW LOCATION: Oldham and Potter Counties, Texas OPERATING SINCE: 2011 UTILITY: Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc. TURBINE EQUIPMENT:...

Spinning Spur Wind Ranch®

SIZE: 161 MW LOCATION: Oldham County, Texas OPERATING SINCE: 2012 UTILITY: Xcel Energy TURBINE EQUIPMENT: 70 – Siemens 2.3 MW TRANSMISSION:...

Spinning Spur Two Wind Ranch®

SIZE: 161 MW LOCATION: Oldham County, Texas OPERATING SINCE: Scheduled for completion 2014 UTILITY: Undisclosed TURBINE EQUIPMENT: 87 – GE...

Statkraft SCA Vind AB

The Statkraft and SCA joint venture company SSVAB has completed three wind farms in Sweden’s Jämtland and Västernorrland. The fourth wind farm is still...

Vigdøla power plant

In April 2011, Statkraft applied for a license for the construction of Vigdøla power plant in the municipality of Luster in Sogn og Fjordane,...

Viemyr and Austdøla power plant

Development of Viermyr and Austøla power plants are tentatively calculated to be able to provide a maximum annual production of approx. 36 GWh, at...

Vesle Kjela power plant

Statkraft will use a major part of the energy potential that is available in the Tokke-Vinje water system and has been granted the rights...

Ringedalen power plant

Statkraft has decided to commence the development of the Ringedalen power plant in Odda municipality. The power plant is scheduled for completion in 2017,...

Nore I power plant

Statkraft has applied to the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) for permission to construct a new Nore I power plant at Rødberg...

Nedre Røssåga power plant

Statkraft is upgrading and expanding Nedre Røssåga hydropower plant in Hemnes municipality, Nordland. Three existing generator units is rehabilitated. In addition, a new power...