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Madalena Announces First Quarter 2014 Financial Results and Outlook

Madalena Energy Inc. ("Madalena" or the "Company") (TSXV: MVN and OTC: MDLNF) is pleased to announce the filing on SEDAR of the unaudited interim...

ReneSola Ltd. Announces First Quarter 2014 Results

ReneSola Ltd., a leading brand and technology provider of solar photovoltaic ("PV") products, today announced its unaudited financial results for the first quarter ended March...

PV plants under construction in Chile grow 184% from last year

London - UK The photovoltaic industry in Chile has seen a considerable change from 2013 to 2014 with a growth of...

Total commences production from Itaú Phase 2 in Bolivia

France-based Total announced that it has commenced production from phase two of the Itaú gas and condensate field, situated in Block...

RMT begins work on 69MW wind project in US

RMT begins construction of First Wind’s 69MW Kawailoa Wind project located on Oahu’s North Shore in Hawaii. The company will provide...

Vestas ready to construct five new wind projects in South Africa

The South African Department of Energy has selected one of the most prominent wind energy contractors to build five new wind farm projects in...

Construction on $504m hydro project in US on schedule

The City of Hamilton in partnership with American Municipal Power (AMP) said construction on the $504m Meldahl Dam hydroelectric plant located in US, having...

World’™s Largest Tidal Farm to be Launched in Scotland

Ten underwater turbines will generate 30GW a year from the seafloor in the Sound of Islay, following government approval. A £40 million tidal array...

India plans tidal power station

The Indian state of Gujarat is planning to host Asia's first commercial-scale tidal power station. British marine energy developer Atlantis Resources Corp. and Gujarat...

SunPower designs 13.78MW solar PV system in US

SunPower has started designs for a 13.78MW (DC) solar photovoltaic (PV) power system at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in California, US.SunPower intends...