Goldwind Australia wins USD 7m grant for hybrid renewables project

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The Australian unit of Chinese wind turbine maker Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Tech Co Ltd has won AUD 10 million (USD 7.3m/EUR 6m) in grant funding for a hybrid dispatchable renewable energy project in New South Wales.

Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd has been awarded the grant under the state government’s Emerging Energy Program. The project in question involves the integration of six 12-MW gas reciprocating engines combined with a 12-MW/4-MWh battery storage facility into an existing renewable energy farm.

According to Goldwind Australia managing director John Titchen, this project will be the first integrated gas, battery and renewable precinct in the country. The gas engine and battery storage plant will have a total capacity of 84 MW.

The company noted that a new pipeline is proposed to transport the gas and also suggested that the whole project could benefit from favourable gas prices, currently at a four-year low.

Other capabilities that could be added to the project include the use of dual fuel reciprocating engines that can run on alternative fuels, and hydrogen production and hydrogen fuel substitution.