Registration opens for virtual WWEM and AQE 2021

Registration opens for virtual WWEM and AQE 2021

For many years the AQE (Air Quality & Emissions) and WWEM (Water Wastewater & Environmental Monitoring) events have been important dates in the diaries of anyone with an interest in environmental monitoring. In 2021 (13/14 Oct.) WWEM and AQE will both take place online, providing registered participants with free, exclusive access to both live and recorded presentations from the comfort and convenience of their own PC, tablet or smartphone.

WWEM and AQE visitors can now register (free of charge) for the virtual conference and exhibition at Pre-registration will provide free access to a comprehensive conference programme that will address all of the most topical environmental monitoring issues. Virtual attendees will be able to dip in and out of their chosen presentations, as well as visiting the virtual booths of the world’s leading organisations in air quality, emissions, water and wastewater monitoring, and related products and services.

The event platform will provide networking and match-making opportunities for all visitors, speakers and exhibitors, with facilities to quickly and easily arrange appointments/ meetings/ calls with exhibitors or other visitors in advance of the show. In total, there will be over 60 hours of free LIVE technical content, virtual exhibits from over 150 world-leading organisations, and technical experts will be available on the virtual exhibition booths to answer questions and provide demonstrations. Registered visitors are therefore urged to pre-book appointments with their chosen exhibitors.

By pre-registering for either of the virtual events, visitors will be able to assimilate all of the latest findings from some of the world’s leading researchers, and at the same time be able to discuss the practicalities of environmental testing and monitoring with some of the sector’s leading experts.

The air quality conference will address three major themes: air quality regulations; air quality and climate change, and indoor air quality and public health.

The emissions conference will also address three themes: the measurement of low emissions; biogenic carbon measurement, and mercury monitoring.

The three main themes of the analytical conference will be the challenges involved with the laboratory analysis of microplastics, PFAS, and coronaviruses in wastewater.

The WWEM instrumentation conference will cover highly topical issues in the water sector such as pollution control in receiving waters, CSO spills, data management, climate change and stakeholder engagement.