Siemens Energy is supplying its state-of-the-art, highly efficient HL-class gas turbine technology to Greece for the first time. As part of a new combined cycle power plant in Komotini in the northeast of the country, it will provide reliable and economical power generation. With an installed electrical capacity of 877 megawatts (MW), it will be the world’s most powerful combined cycle power plant in 1×1 configuration.
The construction of the new plant is of strategic importance for Greece. It will cover the country’s increased demand for electricity, which will result from the gradual withdrawal of lignite production units. The switch to a modern gas-fired power plant with high efficiencies will reduce CO2 emissions by up to 3.7 million tons per year compared to a coal power plant. It will also reduce the environmental impact and increase the security of supply. Customer Terna S.A. is building the entire plant for the project company Thermoilektriki Komotinis M.A.E. The company is owned in equal parts by Motor Oil Renewable Energy (MORE) and GEK Terna. Commissioning of the plant is scheduled for mid-2024.