Total Germany acquires Digital Energy Solutions

 Total Germany acquires Digital Energy Solutions

Total Germany has acquired the business activities in the field of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles from the Munich-based company Digital Energy Solutions from the Viessmann Group with effect from 1 November. Total is thus taking over around 1,400 charging stations with over 2,000 charging points at B2B locations.

Digital Energy Solutions (DES) was founded in 2015 by BMW and Viessmann, whereby both companies each held 50 per cent of the joint venture. However, in February 2020, the car manufacturer had transferred its shares to the partner, making Viessmann the sole owner. “With the complete takeover of the shares in the company, Viessmann is reaffirming its high relevance and commitment to the development of integrated power-based energy solutions and will continue to pursue the path we have embarked on together with the experts from Digital Energy Solutions in the future,” it was said at the time.

Now, however, the complete exit of the remaining founder is taking place, because on 1 November, the oil company Total (or its German subsidiary Total Deutschland GmbH) took over the more than 2,000 charging points from DES. The DES employees are also transferring to Total and are to further expand the business activities. Both companies insist that no changes are to result for existing customers and contract partners “due to the seamless takeover”.

Digital Energy Solutions offers charging solutions, but also products for the energy market, such as battery storage systems, heat pumps for houses and photovoltaic systems. Electromobility was therefore only one part of the business model, with cross-sector energy management accounting for the lion’s share.