ABL To Evaluate Offshore Wind Sites In The German North Sea

The German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency- BSH has commissioned ABL, an energy and marine consultancy, to evaluate a specific area for the installation of offshore wind turbines.

ABL, a part of the publicly listed consulting group ABL Group ASA based in Oslo, will carry out a navigational risk assessment for potential offshore wind farms in the designated N-10 area of interest in the German North Sea, as outlined in a press statement by ABL.

This agreement is an extension of an ongoing project where ABL is conducting a formal safety assessment for development proposals in the North Sea waters of Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany, the company notes.

Tom Chitseko, Consultant at ABL’s London office, mentioned that considering the ambitious plans for offshore development in the German Bight Sea area, it is essential to comprehend and address the interface between site operations and shipping risks. He emphasized that with Germany aiming for 70 GW of offshore wind generation capacity by 2045, early recognition of these risks will be crucial in reducing project delays and site risks, ultimately leading to lower project costs.

ABL was also recently chosen by Ørsted to provide marine warranty survey services for the offshore transportation and installation of wind turbine generators- WTGs and cables for the two offshore wind farms, Greater Changhua 2b and 4, being developed by Ørsted in Taiwan.