Bankia finances Acciona with 100 million euros for its wind power expansion in Australia

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Bankia has signed a bilateral green loan with Acciona for an amount of 165 million Australian dollars (100 million euros) for a term of 30 months for the development of a wind farm in Australia.

The financing operation will be used to start up the 157.5 megawatt (MW) Mortlake South wind farm, located in Moyne Shire, in South West Victoria (Australia).

The project involves the installation of 35 wind turbines of 4.5 MW each. This wind farm will provide clean energy to 115,000 homes and will avoid the emission of some 532,000 tons of CO2.

This operation is part of Bankia’s commitment to financing business projects that generate renewable energy and is included in its Responsible Management Plan, in line with the entity’s Strategic Plan and with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Acciona, for its part, manages sustainable infrastructure solutions, especially renewable energy. In this field, the company is a world leader, having 10,240MW in ownership, distributed in 16 countries.

It has 226 wind farms, 76 hydroelectric plants, 10 large photovoltaic plants, three biomass plants and a thermosolar plant.

Among the areas of action of Bankia’s Responsible Management Plan, projected for the years 2019 and 2020, is sustainable financing, in order to promote capital mobilization under an action framework aimed at environmental and social development.

The entity signed green financing operations in 2019 for an amount greater than 900 million euros, and contributed to mobilize a total of 9,000 million euros of financial resources with a sustainable purpose, including corporate loans, project financing, bond issues and credit. promoter.