Nabrawind, Tetrace and Comansa set up a joint venture called Navassy for the supply of Nabralift’s self-erecting system

Nabrawind, Tetrace and Comansa set up a joint venture called Navassy for the supply of Nabralift's self-erecting system

Nabrawind, Tetrace and Comansa have set up a Joint Venture named Navassy which will be responsible for the complete manufacturing and installation process of the Nabralift® self-erecting system that Nabrawind commercializes worldwide.

The partners have reached an agreement to provide Navassy with the necessary know-how and investment for the design, manufacture and operation of the self-erecting system. Consequently, Navassy, officially constituted this month of December, will become Nabrawind’s supplier and immediately start operating to fulfill Nabralift’s order intake.

This way, Comansa will be responsible for the supply of the self-erecting equipment, combining its extensive know-how in lifting systems with the new technology patented by Nabrawind.

To complete the value proposition, Tetrace will act as field assembly’s main subcontractor, optimizing this process in a highly competitive market.

Accordingly, Navassy is born as an international company due to the global position of its partners and, consequently, will offer worldwide coverage to the Nabralift tower. In this sense, Navassy will greatly benefit from the global presence of its partners, whose operations are spread throughout the globe with offices and subsidiaries in America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

A new self-erecting system

The self-erecting system to be developed by Navassy, called SES 2.0 (Self-Erecting System), represents a remarkable evolution from the prototype used by Nabrawind in the installation of the first tower in Navarre (Spain). While the main objective of this prototype was to confirm the viability of the system, this new generation of self-erecting systems has focused its efforts on reducing the time and costs associated with field assembly.

As a result, the assembly and disassembly times of the SES 2.0 have been significantly optimized, so that its installation has been reduced to three days, while the transfer from one position to another within the wind farm can be done in just one day.

Likewise, the lifting of the SES 2.0 has been improved and it is now capable of integrating two modules per day. Thus, the lifting of a tower between 160 and 170 meters hub height will be completed in only three days.

Finally, another innovation of the SES 2.0 with respect to its predecessor relies in the optimization of the assembly platform and the reduction of intermediate operations.


In this regard, Ciro Larrañeta, CEO of Tetrace, highlights the “good understanding” between the three companies to create a joint venture that “will optimize synergies and improve the installation process of the Nabralift tower”.

In this line, Alberto Munárriz, Comansa’s CEO, expresses his satisfaction for the creation of Navassy and declares that they are glad to contribute to this innovative self-erecting system with their “expertise as cranes manufacturers”.

Likewise, Eneko Sanz, Nabrawind’s General Managers, shares his conviction that Navassy “will mean a quality’s step forward” for Nabralift, which “will benefit from the know-how of both partners in the industry complementary to that of Nabrawind” in order to have “an improved self-erecting system and an efficient field operation service”.

About Comansa

Comansa is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of tower cranes and jib cranes for the construction sector. It has a manufacturing record of more than 20.000 cranes and has distributors in more than 70 countries in all continents.

Comansa offers a complete range of products, designed under the Flat-Top modular system that includes the latest technology and technical innovations. Its catalog currently includes 41 tower cranes without hangers and 14 folding jib cranes, with maximum load capacities from 4 to 90 tons. With this complete range, Comansa offers solutions to all types of construction projects: residential, commercial, industrial, public works, infrastructure, mining, etc.

About Tetrace

Tetrace is a company in the renewable sector established in 2010 in Navarra, Spain. It is specialized in engineering, construction and maintenance services of renewable assets, where they are a national and international reference. From the beginning, they have shown a remarkable international profile and currently 70% of their projects are located abroad and coordinated from their 12 own international subsidiaries. They currently have subsidiaries in the Philippines, India, Egypt, South Africa, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. In the coming year, they are preparing openings in the USA and Colombia.

About Nabrawind Technologies

Nabrawind Technologies S.L. is a Spanish Company for the design and development of advanced wind technologies. It was founded in 2015 based on two international patents applied by the promotors of the mother company Nabrawind SL.

Nabrawind Technologies is focused on the solution of the main barriers of the wind energy evolution: the great growth of the wind turbines and their components. The best positions for wind farms are already occupied and 90 % of future locations will be, in the short term, based on low wind sites (class III and IV).

For this reason, the wind sector needs to increase the turbines rating power, rotor diameter and tower heights, whereas the cost of energy must be reduced.

For this purpose, Nabrawind Technologies has developed two products: Nabrajoint and Nabralift. The first one is a segmented blade joint which allows the transport by modules and final assembly on site. The second one is a self-erecting tower which could overpass 200 m height without the use of large cranes.