Repsol begins the production of wind energy in its first renewable project in Castilla y Leon


Repsol has started producing electricity at its first renewable project in Castilla y León, Spain, named PI. Located in the provinces of Palencia and Valladolid, it consists of seven wind farms which will have a total installed capacity of 175 MW once completed.

The company has successfully completed the grid connection of the first wind turbines. These turbines, located at the La Serna wind farm in the town of Ciguñuela in the province of Valladolid, are already feeding 100% renewable energy into the grid on a trial basis.

Once the seven PI wind farms enter commercial operation, they will produce 596 GWh of renewable energy per year, equivalent to the average annual consumption of 170 900 households, i.e. some 427 250 people, which is equivalent to more than the combined population of the cities of Valladolid and Palencia.

Delta II in Aragon: 160 MW in operation
Repsol is making progress in the development of other renewable projects, such as Delta II in Aragon. This facility consists of 26 wind farms, located in the three provinces of Aragon (Zaragoza, Huesca, and Teruel), with a total capacity of 860 MW, the company’s largest renewable project to date.

Of these 26 wind farms, four are already operational, with a total potential of 160 MW, after the San Bartolomé I and II wind farms, with 100 MW, were recently commissioned. Work on these two wind farms began in February last year and was completed in less than 11 months. Construction of the other 18 Delta II wind farms will start once the relevant administrative procedures have been approved. These 18 farms have a combined capacity of 571 MW.

When completed, Delta II’s renewable generation will supply electricity to nearly 800 000 homes and avoid the emission of more than 2.6 million tpy of CO2.

Among Repsol’s most important operating assets in Spain are the Delta I wind project, also in Aragon, with 335 MW, and the Valdesolar photovoltaic (PV) plant (Valdecaballeros, Badajoz) with a total installed capacity of 264 MW. The Delta I project is 49% owned by Pontegadea and the Valdesolar project is 49% owned the The Renewables Infrastructure Group (TRIG). The Kappa PV complex, with a capacity of 126.6 MW, also 49% owned by Pontegadea and located in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), is also in operation.

As for projects in the pipeline in 2022 and the beginning of 2023, the multi-energy company has obtained Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) for projects totalling more than 600 MW of installed capacity.