The 450 leaders that willfight to claim 35.2GW of the US Wind O&M Market

New estimates by leading data providers GlobalDatademonstrate that the North American wind industry will increase from 68.9 GW in 2014 to 104.1 GW in 2020.

With this level of growth the US wind Operations &Maintenance (O&M) market is expected to reach new highs of $5billion by 2020 for major correctives and upgrades. 

The O&M market provides relatively clear market visibility going forward and many key components suppliers are entering into this segment, so heightened competition is expected.

Make Consulting’s Dan Shreve says that revenues and profit opportunities vary significantly based on a company’s ability to differentiate itself in scheduled maintenance, remote monitoring, minor correctives, technical support, spares and distribution, major correctives and component upgrades.

But with competition fiercely increasing as opportunities grow, leading US based OEM’s and ISPs will be fighting to establish their place in the growing O&M service market. 

As one of the most pressing topics on the industry’s agenda it is expected to be a key theme at North America’s best attended Wind O&M Summit taking place this April (13th – 15th, Dallas, TX). 

The Summit agenda already boasts the likes of market leaders GE, Siemens, Suzlon, Broadwind, Gamesa, Gearbox Express, Run Energy, UpWindwho will demonstrate their renewed strategies to better service turbine owners. 

Head of Sector at Wind Energy Update, Jon Harman, adds that with over 150 decision makers already confirmed including Iberdrola, NextEra, EDF, Infigen, Duke Energy, Pattern Energy and another 300+ expected, this is where industry leaders will be looking to broker major new contracts.

For more information on this event, speakers, agenda and workshop, visit the

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Elizabeth Demestiha
Wind Energy Update
t. 1800 814 3459

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