Wind energy is essential for the recovery of the Mexican economy

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The wind energy industry will meet in MEXICO WINDPOWER® 2021, which on its tenth anniversary will hold its digital congress on May 26 and 27.

The wind energy sector is essential to promote the recovery process of the Mexican economy and guarantee national energy sovereignty, said the Mexican Wind Energy Association (AMDEE).

He stressed that wind energy has become a source of electricity generation whose greater use will allow Mexico to move towards security and energy sovereignty, essential to advance in the fulfillment of international agreements aimed at reducing gas emissions from greenhouse effect and the decarbonization of the economy, contributing to the well-being of Mexican society, thanks to the low costs of electricity generation.

Considered the benchmark of the wind energy industry in the country, MEXICO WINDPOWER® 2021 will be a business forum to promote the wind sector and the recovery in Mexico, contributing to the goals of the national energy agenda and progress in the Development Goals Sustainable of the United Nations Organization.

The event will take place on May 26 and 27, 2021, adapted to digital format, which advise the current circumstances due to the health emergency, to preserve the health and well-being of all participants. This platform will offer a space and the best conditions for holding the international congress, with the participation of sponsoring companies with technologies and services for the sector, which will trigger networking, announced the organizers, the Mexican Wind Energy Association, the World Wind Energy Council (GWEC for its acronym in English) and Tarsus Mexico.

MEXICO WINDPOWER® 2021 will keep all communication channels open to announce updates and content of the digital congress that will bring together, through its platform, professionals and leaders in the sector, for the exchange of experiences, knowledge of trends in the wind industry in Mexico and in the world, and the opportunities that are presented for the future in this market.

The organizers thank all the exhibitors, the Advisory Council, speakers, associations, authorities, educational institutions and the wind energy community, who recognize the value of providing the Mexican wind industry with a world-class event.